Hello, I'm frontend developer based in Moscow

Vasilii Buraev

Digital Ninja

Profile image


I'm self-taught programmer from Russia.
One day I decided to switch career from being bartender.
What I didnt know back then is that in the process of learning to code I would soon discover a true passion.
I have a one years of experience developing web applications, building websites and contributing to Open Source projects.
React - thats the technology I know best and work daily with.


1995Born in Balakovo, Russia.
2012Graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum in Semenov
2013Started working as a bartender
2022 to presentWorks as a Frontend developer

My interests

Art, Bartending, Industrial Design, Web3, Neurobiology, Machine Learning

On the web

© 2022 Vasilii Buraev. All design inspired TM